Traitor’s Doctrine


The vile Traitor’s Doctrine is a truly dark religion. Its followers are devoted to wicked gods that would rule the realms with an iron fist. Every deity within this pantheon believes in the power of law, though twists it so that the strong may thrive by trampling over the weak. The religion is followed exclusively by mortals, though some other individuals fear the traitorous gods without offering praise.

Strict adherence to law has allowed shrines and temples of the Traitor’s Doctrine to dot the planes, alongside the religious buildings devoted to other gods or pantheons. The leaders of most other religions object strongly to the presence of the Traitor’s Doctrine, though are simply not able to do much about it.

Many followers of this religion worship the dark gods out of fear rather than admiration, giving praise to the vile powers so that they may live to see another day. Others follow the religion for selfish reasons, hoping to gain favour with their vile gods so that they may achieve their desires. Some within the religion choose one of the gods as their patron deity, though all who do so must ensure to worship every god of the religion, as not to invoke their wrath.
