The Raven’s Perch

The Raven’s Perch in Black Hollow is a comfortable inn owned by Ervig Plaindew. The inn is warm and inviting, with plenty of room to relax.


The Raven’s Perch is a large three-storey building made of plastered wood and stone. Many clean windows line the walls, they are polished daily by the cleaning staff.


Large circular tables and wooden chairs fill the main hall of this inn. Iron sconces hang from the walls, brightly illuminating the room. A wide bar lies in the back corner and several barstools are placed in front. Pleasant paintings depicting forests, meadows and grasslands line the walls.


Rooms can be rented out for the night. Booking a room comes with a complementary dinner of onion soup and breakfast of oatmeal, both of which are known to taste nice.

The Raven’s Perch

General Information

LocationBlack Hollow
Floors3 (Plus Cellar)


Owner(s)Ervig Plaindew

Game Mechanics

StatsComfortable Inn