Elemental Lords


The Elemental Lords are the oldest beings in the known multiverse, predating even the other deities. Each Elemental Lord has complete control over their element, commanding an immense amount of power. Though other elementals are commanded by the lords, they do not choose to worship them. Mortals, however, do worship the Elemental Lords and often create small shrines in honour of the deities. Some who worship the Elemental Lords devote themselves to one elemental in particular, while others praise the pantheon collectively.

There are two varieties of Elemental Lords, prime and fused. Prime lords are more powerful then their fused counterparts, representing one single element. Fused lords, while weaker are a mixture of two separate elements and thus have control over both. The fused lords are often seen as mediators for the prime lords, as they are able to communicate more effectively with a variety of other elementals due to their dual nature.

As each Elemental Lord embodies a specific element or elements, the lords are prone to argue and fight among themselves, much how water wears rock into sand and air fuels roaring flames. The elemental lords wish to see the planes torn asunder, giving way to a new era of elemental chaos. For this reason, they are often at odds with many of the lawful and neutral deities.


